meet me

meet me

my name is teryn and i’m captivated by emotions.

i spend my days tirelessly sorting through them and anxiously awaiting their arrival.

i walk into a room and can feel the lineage of strangers seep through my soul. i can hear the stories of heartache, of grief, of pain. i listen with my heart and let them settle, meandering through lifetimes while giving myself permission to stay present.

i offer jope and reassurance knowing all too well that true hope only lies within, something that can’t be offered.

i jump in wholeheartedly and sit with you.

i’m a storyteller, but not in the traditional sense. the stories are often left untold. more like an invitation to meet you at that far away place we like to call home.

home is comfort. i love comfort, and soft, and sweet an safe. i run to those places to find meaning in the world.

i wander through the storyline with absolute certainty and an undeniable unknowing.

this is a gift. gifting is my love language. whether a tangible item or a listening ear or a pathway unnoticed. i find myself here.

i am a gift. and i am here to honor it with all of my being.

meet me under the arches.

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